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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Who Is Clarence Larkin?

Clarence Larkin (1850 - 1924)

  1. Born on 28 October 1850 in Chester, Pennsylvania.
  2. Born again when he was 19 years old and was a member of an Episcopalian church.
  3. Graduated as a mechanical engineer and became a professional draftsman.
  4. He left the Episcopalian church at 32 years old and became a Baptist.
  5. In 1884, he was ordained as an American Baptist minister and left private business concerns to work full-time in his ministry.
  6. Renowned for his exacting and meticulous chart designs, describing pre-millennialist view of Scripture and dispensational study.
  7. His charts and drawings, which were originally created for his use in pulpit, instilled interest in dispensational study. These charts, originally called "Prophetic Truth", were widely published and in great demand.
  8. He became a popular teacher of his generation.